Saturday, May 22, 2010

I went to Georgie's finally!

Well, I finally made my way into Georgies yesterday and left with some great stuff, or so I think. I ended up getting four glazes and one underglaze (pictured above in small squeeze bottle). Or at least that is what I thought...looking at my stuff now I see that the biggest bottle I purchased (pictured above), thinking it was a regular glaze is actually an underglaze. (crap!) Can I still use the underglaze I purchased and just put a clear glaze coat over it?

Despite this one set back I am really excited about the other glazes that I purchased.

One is called desert pine and is a really dark pine/olive color with burnt red hints in the spots where it was applied more thinly.

Another I got is a crackle glaze that is light green/seafoam; I think it will be a great addition to some of my slab-work that needs a little character, but that I don't want to overshadow with a bold color choice.

The third is called outerspace and is described on the label as a "crystal glaze". This is the coloring I wish to put on some of the bird birdfeeders I have been making. The glaze is almost a cobalt blue but with these sunbursts of yellowy-gold that just look amazing.

The last thing I purchased is a double ball-tipped tool. The tool looks very similar, and I assume it works in the same way as, a double ball burnisher used to smooth and shape amalgam fillings (hence photo above). In fact, upon further investigation the tool by Kemper is called a double ball stylus. The biggest difference I can see between these two tools is that the dental burnisher is angled.

All of these items I will bring to class on Thursday and hopefully I can use all of them! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it to Georgies! Yes, you can use the underglaze and put a clear glaze over it. We can talk more about glazing when you come in!
